Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms
Originally uploaded by MarthaHughes

This is a photograph of the cherry tree in my yard. I have to thank my neighbor for saving it when our house was in the throes of a major renovation. Our house had stood abadoned for 8 or so years when the contractor bought it to rehab and flip it. He had plans to re-landscape the property as it was overgrown with weeds, plants and lots of trees that were overgrown or sick that needed to be cut down.  Thank god, my neighbor was able to persuade him to save some of the trees. I just can't imagine my yard without my cherry and locust trees.  The beauty they add to my garden is priceless and the shade they give me on our more frequently occurring hot summers days is beyond measure.

Spring is my favorite time of the year and I think the Pacific Northwest is in for an early one. My cherry tree is starting to show buds and there's lots of new growth appearing in my garden.  In a few short months my locust trees will be covered in blossoms, sending the intoxicating scent all over the neighborhood.  I can't wait.

As thrilled as I am at the prospect of an early spring I have to say to anyone who's reading this blog on the East Coast is: I'm sorry - I don't' mean to rub this in.

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